18 September 2012

They played in my suit!

It's unusual to see the opponents settle in your suit and more so when you have six of them. From there it's most unlikely that you'll come out with a below average score but bridge being bridge it happens.

Q J 7 5
A Q 9 7
T 9 8 5 2
9 4
J 5
A T 8 6 5 4
J 6 4
A 8 3 2
K T 8 4 3 2
Q 3
K T 6
K Q J 9 3 2
A K 7

After two passes partner opened a weak two. Somewhat unusual for it contains four of the other major but in 3rd chair anything goes. South bid 3 and thinking I was on to a good thing I put on a rendition of the disinterested pass.

There they played losing a spade a club and three diamonds, down one.

Those who stuck to the `no weak two with a four card major' rule didn't open the East cards and North South flailed around usually finding 3NT (sometimes 5 minor).

There's no good reason why 3NT plays worse than diamonds and one excellent reason why it plays better (the clubs break). Unfortunately you do need to be careful 3NT as there are several wrong steps available and it was beyond many of our clubs declarers. +100 wasn't worth enough.

1 comment:

  1. Only 6 cards in the suit? In a tournament a few years ago, I found myself 3H defending with 8 cards in the trump suit! And I had bid it twice!

    The 3H bid was meant to ask for a heart stopper for 3NT, but the cue bid was passed. Down 6 when we took 10 tricks for 300. I did not want to double and let them off the hook. The usual contract was for them to play in a minor, making 4 or 5. Declarer had a monster hand, and I had almost all the missing points.
