15 January 2012

Opening one

I love opening, it's why I turn up to bridge and one of the reasons I venture into silly systems. In these examples everything is mostly natural.

K Q 9 8 3 2
A T 8 4
9 7 5

Second seat, unfavourable.

You have a weak 2♠ available but is that really what this hand is worth? 6430 is high on the powerful shapes list and all your values are in the two longest suits. I opened at the one level.

Vul: NS
Dealer: East
K Q 9 8 5 3
6 2
A J T 6
7 5
A J 6 2
K J 9 5
K 8 2
A J 6 4
T 7 4
Q 7 3
Q 4 3
K Q 9 8 3 2
A T 8 4
9 7 5

Partner responded 2 which made me feel all warm inside but she passed 2♠ which rolled in.

As an aside would you have made a takeout double sitting West? That won't go well if North thinks to send it back.

The consequences of taking the weaker option can be seen in this example:

Vul: Nil
Dealer: West
K 8 5 4
Q T 8 6
Q T 6
Q T 9 7 6 4
K 9 7 4 3
K 8 5
Q 7
A 5 2
J 9 8 5 3
3 2
A J T 9 6 3
K 7 4 2

21 Pass Pass2 33
34 4 45 End

  1. 5♠ & 4+ any other (Lucas).
  2. Just missed game.
  3. There's me, handing out the life jackets
  4. Oh look, I have an opening hand!
  5. Sigh

A couple of people I get on well with opened the West hand at the one level and had no trouble reaching the game unaided.

Pushing them into wasn't all bad though. After winning the heart lead I sent back the J. Declarer won on the table and pulled a spade to the Ten. Don't know why.


  1. I play 2/1 so my methods are different, but I'm surprised 1S 2H; 2S can be passed.

    1. I've played it both ways but in this partnership it was NF. If you want it to be forcing 2H has to be stronger.
      Would you have bid like this?
      1S - 1N - 2S - Pass
      1S - 1N - 2D - 2H - Pass
      Something else?

  2. Definitely agree with 1S on 1. Great hand.

    On 2 I'd prefer to pass and bid later though. The suits just don't look that good to me and I'm bound to have to bid them a few times if I open 1S. 2S is clearly inappropriate, probably moreso than if it was just a standard Weak 2. Don't hate 3S but first seat green IMO I have a bit too much playing strength.
