18 December 2011

Just do what you're told

Here's the hand I held as East:

8 7 6 5 4 3
9 4 3 2
9 5

To prove that I can be disciplined I passed. First in chair, green against red and I passed. I know.

The next hand opened 1* and partner bid 1. Well well well!

Fourth chair called 2 but I didn't care much because I had the 4 card already warmed up. Back round to righty it went who ventured 5 which partner doubled.

- Pass 1 1
2 4 Pass Pass
5 Pass Pass X
Pass ?

How good are you feeling about a pass?

It doesn't matter, just do what you're told! You bid correctly and if partner doesn't think they can make 11 tricks so be it. Silence that demon on your shoulder.

Q T 9 7 6
J 8 6
K 8 4 2
K J T 9 2
A K 3 2
A J 3
8 7 6 5 4 3
9 4 3 2
9 5
J 8 5
A K T 7 5
Q T 7 6

When all is revealed N/S have clearly overstretched on marginal hands. Quite an out pouring of IMPs but you weren't really considering pulling it were you?

* Either 5+ or 15+ bal (weak NT system).


  1. Pulling it? I would have bid 5S over 5D directly >_<

  2. Ditto... given they were bidding a minor, I might even have bid 5S straight away.
