20 September 2011

Getting bridge (de)based

I don't play a lot online. In fact unless I'm partnership bidding or playing a pre-prepared match I'm hardly ever logged in. I'd like to think it's because I have better things to do but it isn't.

I have played a little recently and I like the individual tournaments. They're quick, relatively painless and if you keep your wits about it's quite easy to do well. The nature of individuals mean you rely on your almost completely unknown partner which can be disheartening when they do something silly.

In this story I'm the partner that did something silly.

K T 9 6 4 2
Q T 8 5

I picked up this hand. Relatively mundane hand given this is a goulash tournament. The auction started with partner 1 - (4) - ?

Maybe a double is the clear action here but I'm not thoroughly convinced. We're red on white and 4 figures to have play on many layouts. If it's wrong and partner retreats to 5 I've at least got some help there.

I made the bid, partner raised to slam and when the A was led this is what I saw:

Q 3
A J 9 8 5 4 3
K J 9 4

K T 9 6 4 2
Q T 8 5

Clearly not a good contract. The lead held and West continued in clubs. I won the King pitching a heart. First mistake, I should have tried the Jack, then I could have gone down 2.

From here I should draw one round of trumps with the Q then shift to cashing diamonds which forces the defence off just enough to go down 3.

Sadly I saw hope that West might hold the A and a heart void. After all, he didn't lead his partners suit. In that case playing on trumps I might just have a chance at down one or two. The Q held but then East won round two, cashed some hearts and I went down 4.

Q 3
A J 9 8 5 4 3
K J 9 4
J 8 7
T 7 2
A Q T 8 6 5
A 5
A K J 9 6 4 3 2
3 2
K T 9 6 4 2
Q T 8 5

At which point my partner called me a moron, swore and derided my bridge ability.

Unnecessary. If you don't want to be at the mercy of your partners stupidity don't play free individual tournaments that advertise as being for fun. Or online. Or bridge.

I did take some small delight in said partner scoring below 50% over the 6 boards of the event whereas I, despite scoring only 3% on this hand, got 65. Don't worry, I'll play again, I'm far too thick skinned to worry about some idiot who rides their ego on winning casual events.


  1. Masochist is probably a better description of those who play BBO individuals. But each to his own :)

  2. People complain about the robots on BBO, but they play a lot better than most of the random players in the individual tournaments.

  3. I'm sure I'll end up bitter and frustrated in a few short weeks but for now it's fun.
