25 July 2011

Slams abound

Holding the lovely set of cards:

A K Q 4 3
Q J T 8
A Q J 9

I opened 1 and heard my partner respond 1NT (semi-forcing). A two club overcall rescued me from an awkward rebid, I doubled for takeout. Partner obliged with 2 so I continued 3 still not sure exactly where we should play. Partners 4 surely denied a decent club stopper so he must have his 6 points in the red suits. 6 seems like a clear winner.

6 5
K 6 3
K T 8 6 3
T 7 2
A K Q 4 3
Q J T 8
A Q J 9

Looks like a nice spot but the hearts were 5-1 and a ruff destroyed any chances. Even if they miss that, a club lead causes timing problems when the diamonds don't break. Fortunately there was a good contingent getting doubled in 4 or 5 clubs making 11 tricks. That bad diamond and heart break had to be good for something!

How do you play 6 given the K lead after the auction:


A Q T 4 3 2
A K 8
A J T 6
K 9 8
J T 7 4 3
K J T 8

Yes you read correctly. Not only did the player on lead double for one but my third opponent moved with half his hand in my splinter.


  1. On the second hand, there isn't the transportation to try for a squeeze or a coup, so the best I've been able to come up with is: DA, d ruff, c ruff, d ruff. If that lives (N overcalled on 5, or S doesn't hold the SJ) then c ruff, d ruffed with the K, c ruff, then SA and hearts from the top, making if the HQ drops or if N started with Q 3rd.

  2. ducking is a possible start, best north can do is probably a small D continuation, but he may not find that. If he does you probably have to ruff the other diamond high and hook a spade back.
