23 July 2011

The 10 - 3

Most of the way through the first session of the NZ pairs final I picked up this hand:
A K J 8 6
A K T 5
J 8 4

Nice cards. I opened a heart because I don't really like using a game force and LHO jumps to 4. This is passed back to me and I double, partner pulls to 5 which is nice but LHO competes to 5! Double again, who knows what's going on.
Q T 5
Q 8 7 6 4 3
A 9 7 6
8 4
9 7 4 3 2
J 9 2
K 5 2
A K J 8 6
A K T 5
J 8 4
K Q J T 9 7 6 5 3
Q T 3

Unlucky. On the club guess 5 rolls in. To achieve the par result you must sacrifice at the 6 level holding 20 hcp. Pity those who led a small club from West; they didn't get more than the trump Ace.


  1. No club guess required at our table. After a heart lead, ruffed, spade to the ace and a diamond return ruffed, declarer played all trumps bar one to reach -, Q, Q, A9 opposite x, -, -, QTx. I had to come down to -, A, A, Jx. Fortunately she was in six!

  2. Nicely played. I guess our declarer counted me for 19 points in spades, hearts and diamonds and didn't believe I'd have another 3 in clubs.
