23 December 2010


For those who haven't come across it myxomatosis is a viral disease that kills rabbits and a bridge system designed by some devious Australians. If you're interested in the system there's a pretty good run down by bridge guys.

For the purposes of this story though lets say that the 2 opening shows either:
1) a weak two in hearts
2) weak 5-5 in spades and clubs
3) a strong two in diamonds
4) some big balanced option (maybe 21-22)

This is exactly the kind of system you need to prepare a defence for. Fortunately my partner and I had seen similar before so we had it all sorted: "Treat it as a transfer to hearts". This means that double shows diamonds, 2 is a takeout double and everything else natural. What could go wrong?

Well I picked up this:

K Q 5 x
x x
A K x x
x x x

Thats not very exciting in itself but starting with my left hand opponent here's what happened:
(2)Myxomatosis as explained above
Must show diamonds hooray for system!
(2)Don't know what their agreements were but
probably just to string out the auction.
3 If my partner has diamonds I'd really like to know about
a heart stop or 4 card spade. This is a cue now right?
(/) Hoping the damage has been done.
5 Diamonds and clubs I guess.
(/) Opponents are taking awhile... yawn.
5 When partner shows two suits I give preference!
(/) Auctions getting awful high
6 What is that!! Does he think I've got hearts?
Oh no. what does that mean the rest of the auction was...
(/) This must be the wrong contract.
6NT Can't say I'm optimistic but 6 sure ain't making.
(/) You mean we're not playing in hearts?
/ Shrug at least I'm not playing it.
(//) Lead on!
Can't say it's an auction I'm happy with. Happy or not the dummies coming down and I'm going to have to play 6NT on a small diamond lead looking at this:

A J x x
A K Q T x x x

K Q 5 x
x x
A K x x
x x x
Now I thought that when we'd said that 2 was a takeout double then to "double and bid" you'd bid 2 then correct to your suit. My partner clearly had a different view. Not exactly a disaster though, if the J holds and they mess up and give me an entry to hand I'm only a trick short! The J didn't hold so I won the Ace.

Plan plan plan, need a plan. Right here goes. If West has KQxxxx in hearts as he probably should have then I can run the clubs pitching a spade, heart and two diamonds. Cash the A removing Easts only heart then lead up to the spades. If East is careless on the clubs and bares his A then he'll have to put me in hand in diamonds. So I ran off the clubs as quickly as possible trying to look like a guy who makes 6NT all the time and it worked! This was the layout:

A J x x
A K Q T x x x
A x x
K x x x x
x x x x
J x x x x
Q x
Q x x x
x x
K Q 5 x
x x
A K x x
x x x
Wait. That's not what I was hoping for. East and West threw spades which was according to plan and I cashed the A which all went well but then when I led the spade up West won the trick. Before cashing his heart trick he thought it might be best to give his partner the K. Now you understand why I showed the 5 in the hand. It was my friends, trick 12.

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