30 October 2011

Overcalling at IMPs

Overcalling is a contentious subject but to me there's five factors:

  1. Preemption
  2. Lead direction
  3. Playing strength
  4. Finding a sacrifice
  5. Risk

When deciding whether to overcall you balance the first four positives against the last one and decide whether it's worth it.

For example at favourable vulnerability:
T 9 8 7 6 5 2
T 9 5

Pass - (1) - ?

This is a great time to stick a spanner in the works. 3 is disruptive and may make it difficult for the opponents to find the right game or level. You're never getting doubled at these colours and with a passed partner you have free reign. You'd love partner raising to 5.

This time red against green:
A Q 2
K 8 6
K 6 4 3 2

(Pass) - Pass - (1) - ?

Not this time. If there's a game available here partner will reopen and you have no suit worth bidding. You risk spending 500 points on a part score board or more against a game.

What about this one (nil vul)?
A 9 7
7 6 5 3
A K T 6 5

(1) - Pass - (1) - ?

This time you have a nice suit in a reasonable hand; there's definitely a lead direction element here. But you don't have many tricks opposite a weak dummy. The only realistic game is 4 and if partner can't bid at the one level that's not happening. There's no pre-emptive value and the risk of bidding in a live auction might be more than you think.

T 5 3
J 5 4 2
9 4 2
7 4 3
K 8
A K J T 8
Q J 9 8 2
K J 9 8 7 6 4 2
Q T 6 3
A 9 7
7 6 5 3
A K T 6 5

At the table opener is about to make a strong jump in clubs. They won't double you on this hand but I hope it demonstrates a point.

Would you (vul against not)?:
Q T 6 5 3
K 4 2
K 8 5 4

(1) - ?

What could go wrong at the 1 level? I've seen a couple of 1100s given out at the 1 level, lets not pretend there's no risk. There's definitely no pre-emption, no chance of a sacrifice at these colours and the lead direction very shaky.

The most likely contract is hearts to which you're on lead and into 3NT partner leading QT9x in a minor is likely to be much better than say 8x in spades.

Finally here's a hand from the Bowl (favourable vul):

9 8 3
6 5 4
T 9
A K T 9 4

Pass - (1) - ?

The risks shrink at this vul and the lead direction cannot be denied but the other virtues are questionable.

However, overcalling 2 minor over 1 minor can be devastating. Catch the opponents with a 54 major shape (do you double or bid the 5 card?) or a good pre-empt from partner and the auction gets very high before your opponents can evaluate their majors.

Linda Lee of bridge blogging has written up this particular hand here.

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