03 October 2011

Long time between sevens

The seven of diamonds is for some folk the reason they play bridge. For others it provides a lifestyle of drinking they could never have afforded otherwise. For me it never really caught on.

However, despite my indifference, occasionally the 7 manages to steal the 13th trick. Sometimes it just happens:

Vul: All
Dealer: East
3 2
5 4
Q T 6 4 2
K J 5 3
K Q J 9 8
K 2
9 8 5
T 8 4
7 6 4
9 8 7 3
A K 7 3
Q 2
A T 5
A Q J T 6
A 9 7 6

- Pass 1 1
Pass 2 3 end

South (hereafter referred to as Brigadier Unilateral) made something of an unusual bid with 3. Partner led two rounds of spades declarer winning the second. A spade was ruffed then a losing trump hook put partner back on lead.

The spade attack continued forcing the brigadier who proceeded to draw all but one trump pitching diamonds off the table. Finally a losing club finesse to me left this position:

K 5
T 8 4
A K 7
A 9 7

Declarer might not have ruffed the second diamond, but then you wouldn't be reading this. When it was ruffed I was in the enviable position of having the only trump and the winning seven of diamonds left.

Sadly it wasn't till the beers afterwards (which incidentally partner had bought) that it was pointed out to me that I had in fact succeeded in making, if not claiming, a beer card.

1 comment:

  1. Hard to know who made the bigger error - you in not claiming the beer card or partner, for not claiming it for himself when you failed AND for buying the beers anyhow!
