18 June 2011

The ominous +170

My hand wasn't good:
J 9
K 8 7 5 3
J 9 7 2
8 3
So when partner opened 1 and 1 was interjected I didn't bid. If partner has a rock I'll find out soon enough. I'm not expecting much preemption in diamonds.

LHO didn't squeak and partner reopened 1. Righty persevered with 2 and I jumped to 3 hoping that partner had a good hand. She didn't and passed.
A 3
J T 9 2
A 5
A Q 9 7 5
J 9
K 8 7 5 3
J 9 7 2
8 3
The hearts cost us two tricks and the diamonds one but the defense never attacked spades and when the clubs broke 4-2 with finesse working we achieved that worrying +170.

Surely no one would bid and make this we thought as we headed back to score up, surely not. Reading down the scores we call out 170 and hear 420 in reply. What! They did what?! "Eleven in!" calls out a team mate. Oh, that 420.
Q 8 6 4
K Q 8 6 4 3
T 4
A 3
J T 9 2
A 5
A Q 9 7 5
J 9
K 8 7 5 3
J 9 7 2
8 3
K T 7 5 2
Q 6 4
K J 6 2
Team mates on discovering the spade suit had become quite excited. When the spades broke, East couldn't get in to lead a club and the diamond Ace was onside 10 tricks couldn't be avoided.

Here's an unrelated bidding problem. What would you bid holding:
K 8 6 3
Q 9 5
A K T 9 5 3
unfavorable at IMPs after RHO deals and opens 2 (5 and 4+minor, weak)?

1 comment:

  1. I X.
    3C is a better description of the hand but I don't want to deny partner's penalty desires when he holds KQJTxx of spades ...
