09 April 2012

Assign 15 IMPs of blame

Playing a teams event my team picked up 15 imps on the following board. But why? Who was the culprit? That is for you:

Vul: NS
Dealer: North
K 6 4 2
Q 9 8 7 3
J 8 6
A K 6 4 3
J T 6
K Q T 9
T 8 5 2
A 7
K 5 4 2
7 5 3
Q J 7
Q J 9 8 5 3
A 4 2

Auction at my table:
- - Pass Pass
1* 1 2 3
4 4 5 Pass
Pass X End

* MOSCITO - 11-14 with 4+ hearts.

Result: A spade lead from East and a trump switch saw the contract failing two tricks -500.

Auction at the other table:

Mate 1EddieMate 2Freddy
- - Pass Pass
1 Pass 2 Pass
4 X End

Result: An aggressive double from West wasn't rewarded as the spade lead created a ruffing finesse to set up a spade for a club discard -790.

Helpful tips:
4 by EW can be made if declarer divines the diamond position otherwise it fails by a trick.
The double of 4 at the second table isn't the problem; it didn't cost a single IMP.


  1. At table one North should be bidding three hearts on the first round and leave the decision over four spades to his partner. Unilaterally bidding five hearts is clearly wrong.

    At the second table, hard to understand why West did not overcall one spade and his double was naive.

    At least they did it in at both tables!

  2. Seems like the opponents at each table failed to bid their hands early and then tried to catch up later, a usually unwise strategy.

    Getting into the bidding early benefits two ways: (1) by using valuable bidding space, you make it difficult for the opponents to describe their hands; and (2) by entering before the opponents have described their hands, you might escape punishment even when you are punishable, as the opponents first try to explore whether they have a fit.

    I agree with Paul's specific comments, and note the commonality of the error of your opponents at each table.
