29 February 2012

Saturday Rubber

Playing rubber bridge on a sunny Saturday afternoon while having a few beers I picked up a one count:

T 9 x x x x
8 x x
J T x x

As one counts go this one has some real potential but it's still not what you want to see at game all.

- - 1 ?

Surely not! We were having a few beers, not that many.

The auction continued:

- - 1 Pass
2NT* Pass 3* ?

2NT was Jacoby and 3 shows a minimum. Now is the time for crazy! 4!

Our opponents have confirmed a nine card fit and I bet West is about to employ some relays to further investigate the hand.

- - 1 Pass
2NT* Pass 3* 4
4NT 5 X End

It seems partner has some spades as well:

A K x x
x x
K 9 x x x x
A K Q x x
Q 9 x x
Q x
J T x x x x
A K x x
T 9 x x x x
8 x x
J T x x

My first thought on seeing the dummy is that I have a play to make. Trumps and diamonds breaking with the A onside and there might be 11 tricks in this.

The diamonds didn't break so I fell a trick short. Would you make 6 when the defense start with 2 rounds of spades?


  1. On this auction you should make six hearts as the odds heavily favour North holding the king of diamonds.

  2. Quite right Paul. It's easy enough to work out Souths shape revealing that North has twice as many diamonds and so is twice as likely to hold the King.
