11 December 2010

Being the expert

Every so often I go down to the club on a Friday night when there's social bridge on. It's walk in, walk out style; there's nothing run formally just some people who want to turn cards. This week when I went there were a few players reasonably new to the game. They'd obviously been playing a bit because I saw a few nice uncontested auctions confidently bid to the right spot. Anyway I'd just sat down to watch one pair when one of them asked if I could give him some advice on what to open... well sure, that's what social bridge is about. Then he showed me the hand:

A J x
 A J T x x x x x

He gestured at the heart suit and managed to convey "1 or 4" with some hand waving. Looks too good for 4 to me so I suggested he bid 1. Might not work but it's a bid I feel I can defend. His LHO (a friend of mine) bid 3 and his partner went into the tank. After some time she asked me what I would recommend:

 K Q x x x
 Q J 9 8 x x x

I don't know!
You could pass 3 and be right or bid 6 and claim on the lead. I eventually managed to murmur something about this being a really good hand if and only if partner had a fit. That seemed to be the right answer as she confidently bid 3. Her partner agonised for a while then contented himself with a 4 raise.

Vul: EW
Dealer: North
A J x
 A J T x x x x x
 x x x
 Q x x
J x x
 A K x x
 T x
 K x
 K Q x x x x x x
 K Q x x x
Q J 9 8 x x x

Phew, at least that'll make. 6 has good chances but do you really expect the spades and clubs to behave?

A couple more hands went by and then I saw this dealt:
(yes dealt, no dealing machines on a Friday)

Vul: EW
Dealer: North
T x
 J x x x x
 A K Q x x x
 x x x
A K x x x
 A K x
 Q x x x x
 x x
 Q x
 9 x x x
 A K J
 Q J T x x x
 T x x

South opened 1 and West bid 1NT. I got called to help out North. I'm beginning to suspect these 'juniors' are organising hands to catch me out. But the books say double here is 10+ and I don't believe for a second 1NT is making so that sounded like a safe recommendation. Predictably the next hand bid 2, South passed (maybe embarrassed about the 11 point opening?) and North had another problem.

Well just as we were confident double was the correct call last time it definitely isn't now. It's unlikely we can set 2 but it's still a reasonable hand. I don't know, I suggested 3 citing something weak like "if in doubt bid your solid 6 card suit" as a reason. South bid 3NT which somehow escaped for down 1.

The thing is, when you're the expert you're expected to be right. Not only that but it's best to try to add just a tiny bit of information about why it's right so that when a similar situation might arise they are better equipped to handle it. These hands stumped me, I truly don't know what's best after 1 (3) and suggesting 3 is only a gut reaction I'm not sure I could explain why. Those who've taught bridge before will hopefully sympathise.

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